

Xterm-effective solution for termite infestation

Termites are one of the most devastating natural dangers for your home and property. Termites feed on wood and they have an incredibly high ability to reproduce, which means that in a very short period of time you could be facing thousands of termites on your property.

Nothing made of wood is safe from termites, and you could in no time face the devastating destruction of your home and adjacent buildings. In order to be safe and protected, you need to fight termites with power and dedication – and, more importantly, with lasting effect.

There are different methods of termite inspection and protection, the majority of them being liquid chemicals. Liquid chemicals have several downsides, albeit the fact that they kill all the termites they get in touch with.

For one, liquid chemicals will kill all the termites they get to, but other termites–ones that are not present on the site of chemical application–will not be affected at all. Considering the fact that termites spread wide and cover a large area, this in practice means that with chemicals you will kill just one part of the termite colony – and the rest will be safe and in action in no time.

Another downside of liquid chemical termite protection is the nasty visual trace of chemical application. In order to apply chemicals, professionals have to drill the wood (the base of your home, fences, adjacent buildings, etc.) and this leaves unappealing marks.

Third and probably the most important danger of liquid chemical termite protection is the fact that the majority of chemicals pose a danger for children, family members and animals – basically anyone that could get in touch with these chemicals. When you consider the short-lasting effect, unsightly application and evident danger for people and animals, who would want to use liquid chemicals for termite protection?!

Xterm – what is it?

Xterm is a termite baiting system that takes advantage of the social aspect of termites as colony beings. Xterm is a bait that does have a chemical component but in a solid form. Furthermore, Xterm is a termite baiting system that doesn’t have an odor or taste, so it will remain undetected by termites that consume it. This means that termites that get in touch with Xterm will take it into the nest and transfer it to other termites in the colony, effectively destroyingthe entire colony. This means that with just one application the entire termite colony could be destructed and your home will be safe once again. Even better, Xterm has a long-lasting effect that is assured with the Xterm managing system that is also available along with this termite protection tool.

Why is Xterm the best choice for termite protection?

The termite baiting system has proven quality and effect. Xterm is the latest invention of this kind. Xterm is excellent termite protection because:

  • It will completely assure termite control in your home.
  • It can be installed without drilling and digging holes on your property and around your home.
  • It is environmentally friendly and safe for your family, animals and pets.
  • It provides lasting protection with its management system.

With Xterm, you will protect your home against termites effectively, intensively and with a lasting effect.

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Robert Luckens

Robert is the founder of Rockypest Pty Ltd, formed at the end of 2013. Still trading as Rockingham Pest Control and Luckens Pest Control. Robert has been in the Pest Control Industry since 1988, prior to this he was in the fumigation industry for 3 years so with over 30 years experience you can be rest assured that you will receive the best possible service at all times.

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