Spring has Sprung (Finally)

With the temperature rising and the smell of wildflowers in the air, a new spring has arrived to Western Australia. This may signify fun times ahead, relaxing at the beach or taking part in the abundant outdoor activities Western Australia has to offer. While we as humans have always loved the changing of the seasons, there are some creepy crawlers here that do as well.


These eight-legged arachnids have been waiting for spring as long as you have, and are ready to become more active. With insects popping up as a plentiful food source, this is to be expected. Australia is known throughout the world as having many venomous spiders. While yes, this is a good way to keep foreigners out, there are a few things you should know about them. While it is true that many spiders’ venom is toxic, only two have actually caused deaths, the Funnelweb and the Redback Spider. The Redback is known for the bright markings on its back, from whence the name comes. They inject a neurotoxin into their victims, which can cause an all manner of symptoms: sweating, difficulty breathing, pain, and convulsions. Thanks to modern medicine, an antivenom has been created, making them less of a fatal threat to humans. Usually spiders bite humans when they are startled or when they have taken refuge in a shoe or clothing left on the floor. Keeping tidy and remembering this may just keep you from being bitten. If you suspect or notice spiders in or around your home, it’s time for a Perth spider control professional to visit.


In this area alone, there are hundreds of different types of ants, all seemingly wanting to get inside! They’re small enough to squeeze in through tiny cracks, so it’s important to keep your floors free of crumbs and other food particles, taking away their temptation to come inside. However, if they really want to enter your home, there’s little you can do other than having a local ant control company come out to treat. Most common baits and traps do a poor job of keeping them at bay, often barely scratching the surface of the colony without targeting the queen.

One of the most common ants here is also one of the smallest, the white-footed ant. These little creatures often seem to appear out of nowhere, forming lines and trails quickly and smoothly. They can also be extremely hard to get rid of, as they are often seen forming satellite colonies, with baits staying with the workers on the surface and never actually penetrating the colony.


Bees and Wasps will also become a common sight here in the not-too-distant future. Their pollinating duty is needed here, but their sting is not. Some bees like the Green Carpenter, are not native to this area, and can bore holes in soft wood. These bees can potentially contain a painful sting, though very few have ever been recorded. As with most bees, keeping a wary distance can help you avoid most all stings. If stung, however, make sure to confirm that the person doesn’t have any known allergies to bees, in which case the person could potentially go into anaphylactic shock. If so, see a medical professional immediately.

Wasps can also cause a painful sting, but are unlikely to do so unless you invade their territory. The European wasp is not native to WA, and its presence here is causing quite a stir, as over 1000 nests have been reported near Perth. Residents here need to make sure they are responsible for eradicating nuisance and invasive pests from our area that would threaten our tourism, pets and livestock, and native plant species.

Homeowners also see other insects here, such as cockroaches, fleas (especially in the case of pet owners), flies, grasshoppers, beetles, and more. Each are looking for a food source and shelter. If that is found inside your house, they will gladly enter in and make themselves at home. Oftentimes they are there for quite a while before you find them, sometimes even laying eggs and creating an infestation. This makes it completely necessary to book an appointment with a trusted pest control service. They will inspect your home and property and take care of any issues that they encounter.

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Robert Luckens

Robert is the founder of Rockypest Pty Ltd, formed at the end of 2013. Still trading as Rockingham Pest Control and Luckens Pest Control. Robert has been in the Pest Control Industry since 1988, prior to this he was in the fumigation industry for 3 years so with over 30 years experience you can be rest assured that you will receive the best possible service at all times.

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