Overview of Rockypest
Great weather, sunny skies, and a moderate climate make Perth a fantastic place to live. The conditions also help common pests to succeed here, though. They invade homes, destroy property, and make us ill.
It's crucial to deal with an infestation immediately. It's easier to handle an infestation before it reaches a tipping point and many homes and business owners fail in this department. The motive for the delay is usually to save money.
The problem is that the detectable insects are only the tip of the iceberg. Aside from bed bugs, insects are about as keen on us as we are on them. They’ll hide in areas that you don’t see, and if your home treatments miss these areas, you’ll never get rid of them.
Give up and call in a professional pest control company in Perth, like Rockypest. We’ll save you hassle and expense by sorting out the problem quickly and efficiently.
Our Services
We offer our services inside and outside of your home or office building, which includes pest management services, termite inspection, and termite barriers. We’ll also provide valuable tips on how to prevent a recurrence of the infestation.

Pest Management Services in Perth
We offer pest control services in Perth for the following pests:
- Ants
- Bed Bugs
- Bees
- Cockroaches
- Crickets
- Fleas
- Spiders
- Millipedes
- Rodents
- Silverfish
- Ticks
We’ll come in promptly and assess the situation, using state-of-the-art equipment to help us detect the heat signatures of pests hiding inside the walls. It is the most effective and least intrusive way to detect termite damage, for example.
Termite Inspection
Australia is considered moderate to high-risk for termites. The problem is that you only notice the termite infestation when they've done significant damage. They nibble away at the internal infrastructure of your home hidden from view.
Our thorough termite inspection service will sniff out colonies and discuss possible treatment options with you. We recommend that you call us annually for this inspection.
Consider the cost as an investment in your home. Termite damage will put a damper on any prospects of selling your property. It could also destroy the infrastructure of the house, leaving it structurally unsound.
An annual inspection can prevent these bugs from gaining a foothold.
Termite Barriers
The most effective way to treat ant infestation is to prevent it in the first place. This termite treatment solution is designed this way.
We dig a trench around your home, like a moat around a castle. Except that instead of water, we treat the area with pesticide. The trench is filled in, and the result is lasting protection from termites for the next five years.
As part of the service, we’ll also advise you about any shrubs or trees that we feel are too close to the house for comfort. Some species of termites live in the ground. Others are a bit more adventurous, using branches as bridges into your home.
Why Choose Rockypest?
Is Rocky Pest the right company for you? We’re a family-owned and operated business and have been protecting Perth homes since 2013. Our service area covers the whole of Perth and the surrounding areas, as well.
Our founder, Robert Luckens, has over thirty years of experience in pest management. We ensure all team members are kept up to date on the most advanced methods of pest control. Every member of our team is fully qualified, experienced, and licensed through the Department of Health.
The process starts with a thorough inspection, and we’ll issue you a report to highlight risk areas and potential issues. We then discuss your options, which includes advice on preventing the infestation from recurring.
We look for the nest so that we can eradicate the pests at the source. Our treatment plan will depend on the source and severity of the infestation. Our cost-effective alternatives to ineffective home treatment options are well worth consideration—our results speak for themselves.
Our Locations
Rockypest Provides Pest Control Services Across All Suburbs Of Perth
Rockypest is your one-stop pest management services in and around the Perth region. We make sure to make your homes and businesses pest-free.
Click on the location on the map and follow the link to find out more about that location.
Below is a list of Perth Suburbs where we provide Pest Control Services
- Alexander Heights
- Alfred Cove
- Alkimos
- Anketell
- Applecross
- Ardross
- Armadale
- Ascot
- Ashby
- Ashendon
- Ashfield
- Attadale
- Atwell
- Aubin Grove
- Aveley
- Bailup
- Balcatta
- Baldivis
- Balga
- Ballajura
- Banjup
- Banksia Grove
- Baskerville
- Bassendean
- Bateman
- Bayswater
- Beaconsfield
- Beckenham
- Bedford
- Bedfordale
- Beechboro
- Beechina
- Beeliar
- Beldon
- Belhus
- Bellevue
- Belmont
- Bentley
- Bennett Springs
- Bertram
- Bibra Lake
- Bickley
- Bicton
- Booragoon
- Boya
- Brabham
- Brentwood
- Brigadoon
- Brookdale
- Bull Creek
- Bullsbrook
- Burns Beach
- Burswood
- Butler
- Byford
- Calista
- Camillo
- Canning Mills
- Canning Vale
- Cannington
- Carabooda
- Cardup
- Carine
- Carlisle
- Carmel
- Carramar
- Casuarina
- Caversham
- Champion Lakes
- Chidlow
- Churchlands
- City Beach
- Claremont
- Clarkson
- Cloverdale
- Cockburn Central
- Como
- Connolly
- Coogee
- Coolbellup
- Coolbinia
- Cooloongup
- Cottesloe
- Craigie
- Crawley
- Cullacabardee
- Currambine
- Daglish
- Dalkeith
- Darch
- Darling Downs
- Darlington
- Dayton
- Dianella
- Doubleview
- Duncraig
- Eden Hill
- Edgewater
- Eglinton
- Ellenbrook
- Embleton
- Ferndale
- Floreat
- Forrestdale
- Forrestfield
- Fremantle
- Gidgegannup
- Girrawheen
- Glen Forrest
- Glendalough
- Gnangara
- Golden Bay
- Gooseberry Hill
- Gorrie
- Gosnells
- Greenmount
- Greenwood
- Guildford
- Gwelup
- Hacketts Gully
- Hamersley
- Hamilton Hill
- Hammond Park
- Harrisdale
- Haynes
- Hazelmere
- Heathridge
- Helena Valley
- Henderson
- Henley Brook
- Herdsman
- Herne Hill
- High Wycombe
- Highgate
- Hilbert
- Hillarys
- Hillman
- Hilton
- Hocking
- Hope Valley
- Hopeland
- Hovea
- Huntingdale
- Garden Island
- Iluka
- Inglewood
- Innaloo
- Jandabup
- Jandakot
- Jane Brook
- Jarrahdale
- Jindalee
- Jolimont
- Joondalup
- Joondanna
- Kalamunda
- Kallaroo
- Karawara
- Kardinya
- Karnup
- Karragullen
- Karrakatta
- Karrakup
- Karrinyup
- Kelmscott
- Kensington
- Kenwick
- Keralup
- Kewdale
- Keysbrook
- Kiara
- Kingsley
- Kinross
- Koondoola
- Koongamia
- Kwinana Beach
- Kwinana Town Centre
- Landsdale
- Langford
- Lathlain
- Leda
- Leederville
- Leeming
- Lesmurdie
- Lexia
- Lockridge
- Lynwood
- Maddington
- Madeley
- Mahogany Creek
- Maida Vale
- Malaga
- Mandogalup
- Manning
- Marangaroo
- Mandurah
- Mariginiup
- Marmion
- Martin
- Maylands
- Medina
- Melaleuca
- Melville
- Menora
- Merriwa
- Midland
- Midvale
- Millendon
- Mindarie
- Mirrabooka
- Morley
- Mosman Park
- Mount Claremont
- Mount Hawthorn
- Mount Helena
- Mount Lawley
- Mount Nasura
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Richon
- Mundaring
- Mundijong
- Murdoch
- Myaree
- Naval Base
- Nedlands
- Neerabup
- Nollamara
- Noranda
- North Beach
- North Lake
- Northbridge
- Nowergup
- Oakford
- Ocean Reef
- O'Connor
- Oldbury
- Orange Grove
- Orelia
- Osborne Park
- Padbury
- Palmyra
- Parkerville
- Parkwood
- Parmelia
- Paulls Valley
- Pearsall
- Peppermint Grove
- Peron
- Perth
- Piara Waters
- Pickering Brook
- Piesse Brook
- Pinjar
- Port Kennedy
- Postans
- Queens Park
- Quinns Rocks
- Red Hill
- Redcliffe
- Reservoir
- Ridgewood
- Riverton
- Rivervale
- Rockingham
- Roleystone
- Rottnest Island
- Rossmoyne
- Safety Bay
- Salter Point
- Samson
- Sawyers Valley
- Scarborough
- Secret Harbour
- Serpentine
- Seville Grove
- Shelley
- Shenton Park
- Shoalwater
- Sinagra
- Singleton
- Sorrento
- South Lake
- Southern River
- Spearwood
- St James
- Stirling
- Stoneville
- Stratton
- Subiaco
- Success
- Swan
- Swanbourne
- Tamala Park
- Tapping
- The Lakes
- The Spectacles
- The Vines
- Thornlie
- Treeby
- Trigg
- Tuart Hill
- Two Rocks
- Valley Ridge
- Victoria Park
- Viveash
- Waikiki
- Walliston
- Wandi
- Wangara
- Wanneroo
- Warnbro
- Warwick
- Waterford
- Watermans Bay
- Wattle Grove
- Wattleup
- Wellard
- Welshpool
- Wembley Downs
- Wembley
- Westminster
- Whitby
- Willagee
- Willetton
- Wilson
- Winthrop
- Woodbridge
- Woodlands
- Woodvale
- Wooroloo
- Wungong
- Yanchep