Wood Decay
Decay which can also be termed decomposition is the breaking down process of organic substances into less complex matter. Homes have been turned into living dead due to attacks from fungi, algae and mold resulting in Wood decay. These three primary culprits of wood decay can have far reaching impacts on our health such as asthma. They need to be combated before they disfigure the aesthetic values of our homes.
Fungi is most times not seen as a serious pest of wood, however it can become a serious issue in home decay and affect structural reliability. Wood decay can affect your home wooden floors or furniture.
Fungi have 4 rudimentary necessities for growth; they are Oxygen, Suitable Temperature, Water, and the Food Source which is the timber. The most important necessity is water which helps the wood’s moisture level.
Many fungi that affect wood create tiny spores which are really light weight and could be moved by the wind for long distances. They sprout when they get on wood surfaces that have suitable moisture conditions. If the moisture content is below 20percent, the decay of fungal will not grow. Various timbers kinds are less liable to fungi.
There are specific kinds of wood-decay fungi; Brown Rot Fungi, Soft Rot Fungi, White Rot Fungi and Mold Fungi.
Algae are naturally existing, irritating, moss-like plant that can be spread by air-borne microorganisms. The growth of algae is a general issue and tarmac roof substances appear to get this algae growth the worst. They don’t actually eat away or destroy your roof, or cause any harm to your family, the problem is that it just appears very bad.
If you have a clean, fresh roof, it massively increases curb appeal, which can be particularly crucial when you choose to put your home out for sale. Many home buyers will checkout different homes and always prefer the homes with the fresh, sparkling roof.
Actually, mold is not closely as common found as algae. However, the most austere toxic mold can affect your health causing problems like, from eye irritation to asthma and head-aches to throat pain and breathing issues. Therefore, it is very necessary to recognize precisely what the things on your house roof are. Typically, molds form in dark, moist, warm and not well ventilated basements and attics and can extend to your deck, siding and roof. However, if you see that the interior of your home is safe from mold, you will probably just be having algae problems. It is advisable to check your home sneak spaces, your basements and attics often times, every year so that you can be sure mold is not secretly growing in your home.