There are so many uncommon characteristics of a snake, one of which is their feeding demeanor. Most snakes are carnivorous and they consume their prey through swallowing it whole. Snakes do eat any kind of livings thing that could fit into their bodies. Almost all snakes are ophiophagous, which means they chase for killing and they feed on other serpents. Besides being ophiophagous, the diet of coral snakes mainly consists of the following:
Small Lizards – They supply a very large food source for all kinds of snakes. Not to mention that lizards are mostly vulnerable and are easy for snakes to catch. Examples of which are geckos and small iguanas.
Amphibians – These are cold-blooded vertebrates living on land and in water. Due to coral snake’s carnivorous state, they also fed on amphibians such as frogs, toads, and salamanders.
Small Birds – These kind of snake does not only eat birds, but also the vulnerable eggs and youngsters of birds. Scheming for birds are quite distressing for snakes, since birds fly while snakes can’t. Every snake that hunts for birds has a realistic method on their own. These snakes cling on trees and wait for vulnerable birds to pass by. On the other hand, they eat the helpless birds through their nest. They will silently creep out on the bird’s nest and attack the young birds and eggs that still haven’t hatched.
Rodents – Rodents are the principal victim of all types of snakes, mice and rats in particular. They are ordinarily eaten by snakes, both in enslavement and in wild. Moreover, rodents are the best prey for coral snakes and most of the snakes because of it being a mammal. Mammals of distinct types are substantially the victims of all kinds of snakes regardless of its size.
Coral snakes, from time to time, also eat their own. It can be another kind of snake or their egg itself. Usually, these kind of snakes crawls, sits and waits for its prey. They don’t usually move around like other snakes because they don’t want to use most of their energy in just searching for their prey and because coral snakes don’t always feed that often. Additionally, this is best for them since it will protect them from their predators.They always swallow the head of their prey first, most especially when their victim is bigger than them. Most snakes including coral snakes do not always feed on the same particular kind of prey. Depending on their size and the quality of the prey being at hand when needed is one reason why snakes do not always eat the same type of prey on their daily diet.
Snakes can go on without feeding themselves for a very long period of time. One reason why, is that the snakes’ digestion process is very much slower than that of some living organisms. And this also depends on the food they ate. When they eat smaller prey, they tend to search for more victims for them to consume.
Source by Erin Kate Gonzales