There’s nothing like enjoying tasty food and ice cold drinks at a picnic with family and friends. What’s the one thing that could ruin these good times? Bugs. Follow these simple tips to help keep them from spoiling your next outdoor party.
- Citronella oil and candles have a great track record for repelling insects. If you don’t have any on hand, you can use actual orange and lemon peels spread around your picnic area as a deterrent.
- Age-old barriers such as water and talcum powder/chalk also work well to keep ground-crawling insects from intruding on your fun. Place table legs inside cups or dishes of water as a makeshift moat for ants. Dryer options — like dishes of talcum powder, chalk and cornstarch will also help keep them out.
- When decorating your picnic area, avoid bright colors and floral prints. Bees find these brighter tones favorable; and prints resembling flowers could have them thinking your tablecloth or clothing is their next meal.
- Electrical or battery-powered fans are another great way to keep certain flying insects at bay. Since flies and mosquitoes aren’t strong flyers, the added wind current from a fan will not only keep them away, it will also keep you cool. Bug repellent is practically a no-brainer for a picnic. For the best results, apply the repellent at least 30 minutes prior to your outdoor activities.
- It’s impossible for a bug to pester you where they aren’t present. Avoiding areas bugs call home — like standing water and trash cans — make planning your picnic much easier.
- Keeping your picnic area clean is also a surefire way to keep annoying bugs from entering your fun zone. Clean up spills when they happen, and discard food far away from your area as quickly as possible.
- Hospitality can also be used to keep bugs away. Seriously. Prepare a meal for bugs they can’t resist by placing a cup or pitcher of sugar water far away from your picnic. Bugs will be attracted to this sweet feast and leave yours alone.
- Bugs have fascinating olfactory senses, so it’s no wonder they come in droves when your food comes out. When food is being prepared, but sure to keep containers tightly sealed to avoid lingering smells from escaping and attracting more insects.
- Lastly, your oral hygiene methods also serve as a good insect repellent. Most insects aren’t fans of mint, so your morning mouthwash is the perfect way to keep them from disturbing the good times. Spraying a mist of mint mouthwash around your picnic will keep the bugs away while providing a fresh scent for the party at hand.
“How To Keep Bugs Away From Your Picnic” Picnic World
“10 Ways to Keep Bugs Out of Your Picnic Food” Housekeeping.org
“Repel Bugs Naturally” Martha Stewart Living
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