Make Your Own Pet Bee


Who knew bumblebees could be so cuddly? Get buzzing with excitement and learn how to make this cute pom-pom bumblebee you and your kids will love.

What you’ll need:

  • A pom-pom maker
  • Black pipe cleaners
  • Black and yellow yarn
  • Scissors
  • White cardstock
  • Black marker
  • Glue
  • Peel and stick craft wiggle eyes


  1. First, start filling the pom-pom maker with alternating stripes of the black and yellow yarn. When filled, cut the yarn around the circumference of the pom-pom maker and tie the remaining yellow yarn tightly around the center leaving the leftover black yarn length long.
  2. Using the scissors, continue to trim around the pom-pom to form a neat ball shape. Almost like giving it a haircut.
  3. Repeat step 1 and 2, only this time make a smaller pom-pom using only the black yarn. This will be the head of our bumblebee.
  4. Line up your bumblebee body and solid black head and tie them together using the leftover black yarn attached to the striped portion. Be sure to tie it tightly so there’s no wobble to the head and cut the excess yarn.
  5. With the pipe cleaners, fish them through the head and curl the ends to look like bumblebee antennae.
  6. Use the marker to draw a small wing shape on the cardstock. Cut the wings out and glue them to the body of the bumblebee.
  7. Lastly, attach the peel and stick wiggle eyes to the head of your bumblebee for extra personality and you have a cute and fluffy insect pet to call your own.

“Cute Pom Pom Craft” MollyMoo


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Robert Luckens

Robert is the founder of Rockypest Pty Ltd, formed at the end of 2013. Still trading as Rockingham Pest Control and Luckens Pest Control. Robert has been in the Pest Control Industry since 1988, prior to this he was in the fumigation industry for 3 years so with over 30 years experience you can be rest assured that you will receive the best possible service at all times.

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